
Parent Help for Spelling

The lists below are words that your child will be learning to spell throughout their time at Tregolls School Academy (A Truro Primary School). These lists are a mixture of words that we encourage children to use in their writing and words they they can often misspell. The words run alongside other spelling objectives that we cover as part of our spelling lessons.

We would be grateful if you could support your child at home in discussing, learning to read and spelling the words from the lists relevant to their year group. Please read the ‘Helping Your Child With Spellings’ document for advice on different strategies that can be used.
Helping Your Child With Spelling – Information
Year 1 Common Exception Words
Year 2 Common Exception Words
Year 3 and Year 4 Statutory Word List
Year 5 Statutory Word List
Year 6 Statutory Word List

Tregolls Academy
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