
Computing & ICT

Computing knowledge & understanding underpins modern life and the 21st Century. Children need to build vital confidence, knowledge and understanding of the way technologies work - and how internet-connected systems can be employed - in order to adapt flexibly to ever rapid change over coming years.


It is important that Computing knowledge begins to develop from the earliest years, and builds appropriately as children develop. As learners revisit areas of understanding, and become ever-more confidently equipped, they will be able to harness the many opportunities that modern technology presents, while remaining safe and necessarily critical.


Our intent for children’s learning across Computing is mapped into three strands, dividing this broad subject into 3 main areas that build progressively throughout a child’s time in primary education.


Computer Science

Information Technology

Digital Literacy


The objectives of the National Curriculum have been used as a starting point for devising our ambitious curriculum milestones – the points at which we aim for children to have mastered specific aspects of knowledge and understanding. We cover everything contained in the National Curriculum but, in addition – to reflect the ever-growing breadth and importance of Computing – we have widened the scope of our milestones, with the intention that children become further equipped with a toolkit that is fit for their next steps in education, and for mastering the modern digital world. Going over and above the objectives of the national curriculum can be seen across all three strands, and is especially notable within Digital Literacy, with Internet Safety and Operational Core Skills becoming expanded aspects that have become evermore relevant to children’s engagement with the modern world.


Tregolls Academy
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